The State Licensing Board was constituted by the State Government on formation of Haryana state in the year 1966 and its functions are as under;

  • To grant licence to the Electrical Contractors and Competency Certificate to the Electrical Supervisors and Permit to the Wiremen.
  • To conduct examination, grant licences and permits/ competency certificates mentioned in sub clause(i).
  • To deal with all matters in connection with the electrical contractors, licences and supervisors and wiremen’s examination.
  • To enquire into allegations or incompetence, negligence and breach of the provisions of rule 45 of the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 now “Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations 2010” and conditions of the licences, certificates and permits as the case may be or of mal-practice on the part of the wiring contractor and to take such action as might be deemed proper.
  • To do such other works of the State Government as it may from time to time direct in connection with the enforcement of the Indian Electricity Rules 1956 now “Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations 2010”.
  • To maintain a register of the electrical contractors, electrical supervisors and wiremen, holding licences, certificates and permits respectively.